Sunday, March 21, 2010

A tiny bit of Spring

As many of you know, astronomical Spring started at 1:32 PM EDT on the 20th of March. My gardens agree.

Happy Spring!


  1. Qwill, love the flowers blooming and the shoots greening out. My little plants got covered back up this weekend and put back in my shed as we had some really bad wind chills all weekend and some frost Sunday and this morning, Old Man Winter waited till 1st day of Spring to come back with a vengeance again here!! Now warming up into the 70's today on Monday the 22nd, yay....

    Nice pics and have to get some of my own sometime soon to put out there in blog land....

    jackie b central texas

  2. Ooh, that looks good! Welcome, spring!!! Even worth the hayfever ;) Thank you for sharing your spring pics!
